FAQs & Fees

What can I expect from therapy?

Our therapists will hold a recurring weekly time to meet for 45 minutes (individually) or 60 minutes (couples). The weekly commitment may reduce over time during treatment, but the benefits of therapy are the product of developing insight and awareness within the context of the ongoing patient-therapist relationship. This regularity fosters trust and depth of exploration, along with ample time to experiment with new possibilities of living in your world outside of the therapy room.

Our curiosity is directed toward the whole person both shaping and being shaped by their environment, including the presence of the therapist. We attend to various elements such as identity, physiology, family culture, and the influence of larger social structures.

Are you quiet or offer frequent feedback?

Therapy styles and approaches vary widely, just as much as the people seeking treatment. Our approach is to hold a space to bring your awareness into focus on a particular issue or lived situation. We direct our full attention to being with you in that exploration.

At times this can include eliciting details, quietly listening, gently reflecting, or inviting you to experiment with an imagined conversation or movement. Other times it includes the therapist sharing their responses in service of expanding and clarifying your experience.

How is Somatic Psychotherapy different than other talk therapy?

Somatic Psychotherapy is a broad category that can include many different forms of therapy that include or emphasize embodiment. In this therapy, there will be moments when talking about an issue or situation with your therapist appears very similar to other forms of talk therapy. However, the therapist is trained to notice how recurring patterns of thoughts and behaviors are also formed, held and expressed through our bodies in movement. They may ask you to direct your attention to what you’re sensing inside at a particular moment, or to invite you to experiment with a gesture or movement pattern, so that you can learn more about yourself through your felt experience. This can accelerate, deepen, and enlighten your awareness in ways not possible without engaging your whole self, embodied and embedded in the world. We know that children learn through moving and doing in relationship to their environment with the people in it - as adults we do too!

How much does therapy cost?

Individual appointments are 45 minutes and couples are 60 minutes per session. Our rates for each therapist are posted on the “Our Team” page and start at $175 per session dependent on the therapist and the length/type of session. If you have out-of-network health insurance benefits, you are likely eligible to receive partial reimbursement. This may reduce your out-of-pocket as low as the co-pay you would pay with an in-network provider. We can guide you through this process if this applies to you.

How do I use my out-of-network benefits?

If you have out-of-network insurance benefits, you can submit a claim form along with a detailed receipt provided monthly called a “Superbill,” to your carrier in the manner they request. A “Superbill” includes the necessary information for your insurance company to process a claim such as provider identification, treatment service codes, and a diagnosis code.

If approved by your insurance carrier, any reimbursed funds, after your deductible and co-insurance adjustments, will go directly to you as you will have already paid us for the therapy services in full. The following questions are helpful to ask your carrier:

“Do I have out-of-network benefits?”

“Do I need pre-authorization for outpatient psychotherapy?”

“What is my deductible and how much is remaining?”

“What percentage of therapy will be reimbursed?”

How long does therapy take?

Every person is different in regards to what they’re seeking from therapy, situational factors, readiness for change, and the duration of old patterns that we are working toward modifying. When you start, we work to understand how you would like your lived experience to be different and how you imagine you would know when that’s achieved.

As the therapy evolves, we periodically check in on progress and your satisfaction toward reaching each goal. We also remain open to attend to the development of a new goal that is often interrelated, yet different than the need that brought you into treatment.

Some people end therapy after completing a cycle of treatment goals and leave with improved clarity, symptom reduction, and new strategies for living. For others, they reach their goals and continue therapy to focus on another emergent need.

Our therapists are transparent about this process and always working toward peoples’ ability to live their lives as fully as possible without therapy, relying on improved self and social supports.

Do you work with children?

Unfortunately we only provide treatment to adults 18+ at this time. However, we do work with young adults to help navigate the challenges common to this specific life stage.

How do I get started?

Who are the therapists?

What is Somatic Psychotherapy?

Reach out to get started